Sunday, July 11, 2010

Beyonce a FAKE WRITER?!? Surprised?

Olha essa caricatura da Beyoncé on Twitpic

Bangladesh, a hip-hop producer, strongly implying in an interview that Beyonce does not write her own songs...Surprised? Not really. I believe 'Queen Bee' was always in the newspapers lately because of this accusations. Here's the interview:

Bossip: You have
worked with Beyonce.
There is
some controversy when
it comes to the songs
that she has written ….
So, have you ever
been in the lab with
her where you ’ve
made the beat with
her right there, and
then you saw her
actually write the
song or -

Bangladesh: “[Bursts
out laughing
hysterically]. I’ll put it
like this: It doesn’t
matter who’s writing
the songs, or who’s
producing the songs.
It ’s who’s delivering
the mother fucker. It
really doesn ’t matter
if Beyonce is actually
sitting there physically
writing the song. Even
if she ’s not, it don’t
mean she can’t. She
might not have the
time. It doesn ’t
matter, because you
can work with artists
who write, or work
with artists that ’s
Beyonce’s level… For
me… It doesn’t

“The people outside
looking in, they wanna
know if she writes her
own songs or if she
ain ’t. At the end of
the day, she’s on a
level where things are
handed to her; people
wanna be a part of
what she ’s doing. She
either wrote it, or she
can put her name on
it – it doesn’t matter
because that’s the
boss you are.”

I had loved you before Bee. This is too much. It doesn't mean that when you can write a single song or 2, you can put your name on every single song. And the worst is...YOU ARE FREAKING GETTING AN AWARD BECAUSE OF YOUR SO-CALLED WRITING SKILLS.

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