Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Double Aguilera news alert!

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1st..Christina Aguilera is set to be in the hit U.S. TV show 'Entourage' in their season finale as herself. AND EXPECT HER TO PERFORM THERE ALSO!

2nd..She snagged Anthony Mandler to be the director of the video of her new U.S. single 'You Lost Me'. Anthony previously worked with Rihanna, Drake, Jay-Z, Amerie and many more..PRETTY EXCITED.

Go Christina! Bionic era is NOT YET OVER! I know you can still do it!


  1. Well, Xtina is my all time-fave. And I thank you c0z u gve me s0me news bout what's happening in the Music Industry. I haven't been that much updated since I went teaching KIDS. And m0st esp. N0w that I have a baby of my own! Go0dluck to ur studies and keep blogging! X0x0
